ASNPN Member Profiles

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Last name, first nameAffiliationPositionCityResearch area(s), keywords

Bérubé, Jean-Christophe

Université Laval PhD(c) Quebec Genetics of gene expression in the lung to elucidate asthma susceptibility

Boutin, Rozlyn

The University of British Columbia PhD Vancouver Gut microbiota, asthma, pediatric allergy/immunology, allergic disease, microbiome, mycobiome

Chen, Wenjia


Hospital for Sick Children PDF Toronto Distinct Early-life Patterns of Respiratory-related Health Services Use and Long-term Economic Implications: A Longitudinal Analysis of Linked CHILD—Health Administrative Data; health economics and outcomes, cost analysis, predictive model, administrati

Dawod, Bassel

Dalhousie University PhD(c) Halifax Food allergy, breastmilk, mouse milk, toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), oral tolerance

Feldman, Laura


Hospital for Sick Children Research Project Coordinator Toronto Spatial epidemiology, Epidemiology, Statistics, Health administrative data, Health services research, Asthma, Pollution, Surveillance, Spatial; Child Health Evaluative Sciences; Use of provincial health administrative data to quantify the burden of asthma

He, Daniel


The University of British Columbia PhD(c) Vancouver Genetic determinants of the late phase asthmatic response; Bioinformatics, Asthma, Interstitial Lung Disease, Biomarkers

Jamieson, Kyla


University of Calgary PhD(c) Calgary Rhinovirus, Bacteria, Airway Epithelium, Air Liquid Interface, IL-17C, Inflammation, COPD; Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences; Airway Epithelial Production of IL-17C Following Bacteria-Rhinovirus Co-infection

Kang, Liane


University of Alberta Research Assistant Edmonton Infant Gut Microbiome, Maternal Stress, Maternal Depression, Gut Immunity, Brain-Gut Axis, Epidemiology, Biostatistics

Ma, Yanna


University of Saskatchewan PhD(c) Saskatoon tolerogenic dendritic cells induced tolerance in allergic asthma; asthma, tolerogenic dendritic cells, B cells, T cells

Manny, Emilie


Université Laval PhD(c) Quebec Occurrence and risks associated with allergens in processed foods with precautionary labeling; Food Allergens, Risk Analysis [on Food Allergens], Food Regulatory Policies; food science & technology, food allergen detection (ELISA/q-PCR), allergen managem

Miliku, Kozeta


University of Manitoba PDF Winnipeg Human milk components and the developmental origins allergies, asthma and cardio-metabolic health in children; DOHaD, nutrition, allergies, asthma, obesity, blood pressure, kidney

Mostaço-Guidolin, Leila

University of British Columbia MSc/PhD Vancouver optics, image analysis, fluorescence spectroscopy, multiphoton microscopy, atherosclerosis, nonlinear optics, photonics

Mukherjee, Manali


McMaster University PDF Hamilton Autoimmune responses in complex airways disease; sputum, autoantibodies, autoimmune, airways, severe asthma, eGPA, monoclonal antibodies, IL-5, eosinophils, macrophages

Ponce, Marta


University of Toronto PhD(c) Toronto Immunology; Markers of natural tolerance development to food allergens

Reyes-Serratos, Eduardo


University of Alberta MSc(c) Edmonton Stress, Saliva, CABS1, Western Blot, Wes, Polyclonal Antibodies; Studies of Calcium Binding, Protein-Associated 1 (CABS1) as a Biomarker and Potential Therapeutic Agent for Stress

Sierra-Heredia, Cecilia

Simon Fraser University PhD(c) Burnaby Pollen, Air Pollution, Climate Change, Allergies, Asthma, Public Health

Singh, Amrit


The University of British Columbia PDF Vancouver Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Biomarkers for the discrimination and improved management of heart failure

Soliman, Mena


Boehringer-Ingelheim Canada Ltd. Medical Science Liaison Kingston Respiratory Medicine and Specialty Care

Strigul, Oleyna


McMaster University MSc(c) Hamilton Medical Sciences; Gene expression of dendritic cell precursors derived from cord blood hematopoietic progenitors in infants that develop atopic manifestations later in life

VanderKaay, Sandra

McMaster University PhD(c) Hamilton Living with food allergy/the impact of allergic diseases on daily living


Jean-Christophe Bérubé, MSc, PhD

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Research focus:

Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval

PhD(c) (Experimental Medicine)

Yohan Bossé and Michel Laviolette

Genetics of gene expression in the lung to elucidate asthma susceptibility

Fonds de Recherche Québec – Santé doctoral training award (2016-2019): This provincial program aims to support university students seeking to pursue health research training in a doctoral university program.

Canadian Respiratory Research Network doctoral studentship (2015-2017): This national studentship award aims to build Canadian research capacity that contributes to the field of respiratory health with a specific focus on improving the understanding of the origins and progression of chronic airway diseases in Canada.

Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval doctoral scholarship (2015 and 2016): This local studentship award is from the direction of the research center and it aims to foster research development by providing financial assistance to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the research center.

Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval research day oral presentation prize (2017).

Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting poster presentation prize (2016).

My short-term career goal is to maintain my multidisciplinary profile, combining the fields of respiratory diseases, genomics and bioinformatics. Ultimately, I would like to translate my passion for science into knowledge transfer opportunities, whether it is as an academic researcher or as a MSL.

Morissette M, Gao Y, Shen P, Thayaparan, D, Bérubé JC, Paré P, Brandsma CA, Hao K, Bossé Y, Ettinger R, Herbst R, Humbles A, Kolbeck R, Zhong NS, Chen R, Stampfli M. Role of BAFF in pulmonary autoantibody responses induced by chronic cigarette smoke exposure in mice. Physiol Rep. 2016 Dec 4(24).

Lavoie-Charland É, Bérubé JC, Boulet LP, Bossé Y Asthma susceptibility genetic variants are more strongly associated with phenotypically similar subgroups of patients. J Asthma. 2016 Apr 8:1-6.

Bérubé JC, Lavoie-Charland E, Gaudreault N, Sbarra L, Henry C, Boulet LP, Bossé Y. Identification of Susceptibility Genes of Adult Asthma in French Canadian Women. CanRespirJ. 2016; 2016: 3564341.

Bérubé JC, Bossé Y. Future clinical implications emerging from recent genome-wide expression studies in asthma. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2014; 10(8): 985-1004.

Bérubé JC, Lamontagne M, Couture C, Nickle D, Timens W, Postma D, Sin D, Paré P, Laviolette M, Bossé Y. Genome-wide genetic ancestry measurements to predict lung function in European population. The European Respiratory Journal 2013; 42(4): 1144-7.


Rozlyn Boutin, BScH

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Research focus:

The University of British Columbia

MD/PhD (Microbiology & Immunology)

Dr. B. Brett Finlay

Elucidating the role of the early life gut microbiota in determining asthma susceptibility

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2017): Doctoral scholarship aimed at helping Canadian institutions attract and retain highly qualified doctoral students. Applicants are nominated by their host institutions and are considered on the basis of three equally weighted evaluation criteria: academic excellence, research potential, and leadership.

Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (2016): The CGS M Program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada.

Gwynne-Vaughan Memorial Award in Medicine (2017): As one of the competitive Combined Merit Scholarships UBC undergraduate medical students can apply for, these awards have been endowed through a bequest by Adelaide Ann Vaughan Bateman in memory of her parents. They are offered to promising and deserving students in medicine. Consideration is given to achievement but also to personal qualities and character. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Medicine.

Four Year Fellowship (FYF) for PhD Students (2015): This scholarship is aimed at retaining and supporting the top students pursuing graduate level and provides tuition and scholarship funding for four years of PhD study.

Faculty of Medicine Graduate Award (2015): Awarded to graduate students on the recommendation of Faculties or graduate programs in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Ultimately I hope to have a career as a clinician-scientist working as a pediatric allergist/immunologist while also conducting research in this area. I also hope to broaden the scope of my career by engaging in knowledge translation and teaching activities related to allergy/immunology and the gut microbiome

Arrieta, M.-C., Arévalo, A., Stiemsma, L., Dimitriu, P., Chico, M.E., Loor, S., Vaca, M., Boutin, R.C.T., Morien, E., Jin, M., Turvey, S., Walter, J., Wegener-Parfrey, L., Cooper, P., and Finlay, B.B. Early-life fungal and bacterial dysbiosis associated with pediatric asthma risk. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. (Submitted)

Boutin, R.C.T., Alsahafi, Z., Pagliardini S. (2016). Cholinergic Modulation of the parafacial Respiratory Group. Journal of Physiology. 4: 1377-1392

Boutin, R.C.T., Finlay, B.B. (2016). Microbiota-Mediated Immunomodulation and Asthma: Current and Future Perspectives. Current Treatment Options in Allergy. 3: 292-309.

Hobbies/interests: running, soccer, hiking, travel, learning about Darwinian medicine, and just being outside!


Wenjia Chen, PhD

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Research focus:

The Hospital for Sick Children

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Teresa To

Distinct Early-life Patterns of Respiratory-related Health Services Use and Long-term Economic Implications: A Longitudinal Analysis of Linked CHILD—Health Administrative Data

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Travel Award, CIHR (2018)
  • Canadian Respiratory Research Network (CRRN) Studentship Award, CRRN (2016)
  • Mitchell-Dwivedi Graduate Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC (2016)
  • ATS 2016 International Conference Abstract Scholarship, ATS (2016)
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Travel Award, CIHR (2015)
  • Santosh M. Wasan Graduate Travel Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC (2015)
  • Graduate student travel award in Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC (2014)
  • Teaching Assistant Appreciation Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC (2014)

My long term goal is to become an independent researcher, analyze big data to understand and improve the lung and mental health of vulnerable populations.

Chen W, FitzGerald JM, Lynd LD, Sin DD, Sadatsafavi M. Long-term trajectories of mild asthma in adulthood and risk factors of progression. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2018. May 7. [Epub ahead of print]

Chen W, Sin DD, FitzGerald JM, Sadatsafavi M. The Impact of Care Specialty on Survival-adjusted Medical Costs of COPD Patients After a Hospitalization: A Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2018 Apr 2. [Epub ahead of print]

Chen W, FitzGerald JM, Sin DD, Sadatsafavi M. Excess Economic Burden of Comorbidities in COPD: a 15-year population-based study. European Respiratory Journal. 2017 50(1): 1700393.

Chen W, Marra CA, Lynd LD, Fitzgerald JM, Zafari Z, Sadatsafavi M. The natural history of severe asthma and influences of early risk factors: a population-based cohort study. Thorax. 2016 Mar; 71(3):267-75.

Chen W, Thomas J, Sadatsafavi M, Fitzgerald JM. Risk of cardiovascular comorbidity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2015; 3(8):631-9.

Hobbies: drawing & painting


Bassel Dawod, MD, MSc

Québec/Atlantic Director, ASNPN

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Research focus:

Dalhousie University

Ph.D. Candidate

Dr. Jean Marshall

The role of soluble TLR2 in food allergy

1st place, PhD category, CSACI Poster Competition (2016): 1st place in the poster competition at CSACI 71st Annual scientific meeting

Nova Scotia Graduate Students Scholarship (2015-2019): Ph.D. funding for four years

Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) travel award (2014): Travel award for the Canadian Society for Immunology (CSI) conference in Quebec city.

My current and previous research have expanded my goals into newer fields of interest. I am interested in pursuing a career that enables me to translate my current study of immune tolerance into clinical research.

In the long term, I would like to expand my medical and basic science skills into the field of clinical research.

Tunis MC, Dawod B, Carson KR, Veinotte LL, Marshall JS Toll-like receptor 2 activators modulate oral tolerance in mice. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2015 Nov; 45(11): 1690-702.

Hobbies: Photography, Soccer


Laura Feldman, MPH

President, ASNPN

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Research focus:

Research Keywords:

The Hospital for Sick Children

Child Health Evaluative Sciences

Research Project Coordinator

Dr. Teresa To

Use of provincial health administrative data to quantify the burden of asthma and to identify risk factors

Spatial epidemiology, Epidemiology, Statistics, Health administrative data, Health services research, Asthma, Pollution, Surveillance, Spatial

Donald Fraser Memorial Award (2016): Awarded to the Masters of Public Health graduating student at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health with the highest GPA achieved.

AllerGen NCE Inc. International Trainee Research Visit Program Grant (2015): Funding to support a four month-long research visit to the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, to conduct a research project investigating the impact of early life exposure to secondhand smoke on the development of food hypersensitivity into adolescence.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2015): Recognizes academic excellence in graduate studies in all disciplines of academic study.

Dalla Lana Masters Scholarship (2014): Merit-based entrance scholarship for the masters of public health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

I would like to expand my methodological expertise as an epidemiologist, so that I can continue to make meaningful contributions to the field of asthma and allergic disease research.

My long-term career goal is to become an independent researcher, initiating and driving my own research projects in this field.

Feldman LY, Gao C, Zhu J, Simatovic J, Licskai C, To T. Estimating Toronto’s health services use for the 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games. Perspectives in public health. 2016 Mar; 136(2): 93–8.

Larsen K, Zhu J, Feldman LY, Simatovic J, Dell S, Gershon AS, To T. The Annual September Peak in Asthma Exacerbation Rates. Still a Reality?. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2016 Feb; 13(2): 231-9.

To T, Feldman L, Simatovic J, Gershon AS, Dell S, Su J, Foty R, Licskai C. Health risk of air pollution on people living with major chronic diseases: a Canadian population-based study. BMJ open. 2015 Sep 1; 5(9): e009075.

Google Scholar user profile

I am a tap dancer and a former martial artist (14 years of Taekwondo training). I love reading and baking, and I am always on the look-out for opportunities to improve my French.


Daniel He, BMLSc, MSc

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Research title:

The University of British Columbia

Centre for Heart and Lung Innovation

PhD Candidate

Dr. Scott Tebbutt

Genetic determinants of the late phase asthmatic response

I hope to become a world class bioinformatician!

He D, Lorenz R, Kim C, Herberg FW, Lim CJ. Switching Cyclic Nucleotide-Selective Activation of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate-Dependent Protein Kinase Holoenzyme Reveals Distinct Roles of Tandem Cyclic Nucleotide-Binding Domains. ACS Chem Biol. 2017 Dec 15;12(12):3057-3066.

Chen H, Mohan P, Jiang J, Nemirovsky O, He D, Fleisch MC, Niederacher D, Pilarski LM, Lim CJ, Maxwell CA. Spatial regulation of Aurora A activity during mitotic spindle assembly requires RHAMM to correctly localize TPX2. Cell Cycle. 2014 Jul 15; 13(14): 2248–2261.


Kyla Jamieson, PhD(c)

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Research title:

University of Calgary

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences

PhD Candidate

Dr. David Proud

Airway Epithelial Production of IL-17C Following Bacteria-Rhinovirus Co-infection

Alberta Lung Association Studentship Award (2015-2016; 2016-2017): Annual provincial graduate studentship awarded based on academic achievements and quality of research.

Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship (University of Calgary) (2014-2018): Supports doctoral student stipend for four years.

Summit Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis Summer Studentship (2013): Supports undergraduate students engaged in summer research projects in areas relevant to cystic fibrosis.

My career goals are to become an innovative and independent research scientist focusing on examining the human microbiome, specifically in chronic diseases.

My passion for research and discovery extends to teaching and learning, and I hope to one day be involved in curriculum and course development in a University setting.

Maciejewski BA, Jamieson KC, Arnason JW, Kooi C, Wiehler S, Traves SL, Leigh R, Proud D. (2016) Rhinovirus-bacteria co-exposure synergistically induces CCL20 production from human bronchial epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol (in revision).

Jamieson KC, Warner SM, Leigh R, Proud D. (2015) Rhinovirus in the pathogenesis and clinical course of asthma. CHEST, 148:1508-1516.

Hobbies: Baking, Soccer, Hockey (Go Oilers!)


Liane Kang, BSc MSc

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Research title:

University of Alberta


Research Assistant

Dr. Anita Kozyrskyj

Infant Gut Microbiome, Epidemiology, Maternal Stress, Maternal Depression, Gut Immunity

  • Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship (2017)
  • Alberta Respiratory Centre Travel Award (2017)
  • Poster Presentation Award at 2016 Canada-Korea Conference on Science and Technology
  • Profiling Alberta’s Graduate Students Award (2016)
  • Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (CIHR; 2016-2017)
  • Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship (2016)
  • Medical Sciences Graduate Program Scholarship (2015)
  • University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry 75th Anniversary Award (2015)

I would like to work as a clinician-scientist supporting studies on the healthy development of children. I hope to broaden my knowledge in biostatistics, teaching skills and knowledge translation for Pediatric research in the future.

Kang LJ, Koleva PT, Field CJ, Giesbrecht GF, Wine E, Becker AB, Mandhane PJ, Turvey SE, Subbarao P, Sears MR, Scott JA, Kozyrskyj AL and CHILD Study Investigators. Maternal depressive symptoms linked to reduced fecal Immunoglobulin A concentrations in infants. Brain Behav Immun. 2018 Feb;68:123-131, doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2017.10.007.

Kang LJ. Pre and postnatal maternal distress and infant gut immunity in the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) birth cohort. Master’s Thesis. University of Alberta. 2017 Jun 9.

Kozyrskyj AL, Letourneau NL, Kang LJ, Salmani M. Associations between postpartum depressive symptoms and childhood asthma diminish with child age. Clin Exp Allergy. 2016 Oct 22. doi: 10.1111/cea.12837.

Kang LJ, Cheung P-Y, Pichler G, O’Reilly M, Aziz K, Schmölzer GM. Monitoring Lung Aeration during Respiratory Support in Preterm Infants at Birth. Szyld E, ed. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(7):e102729. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102729.

I have been playing flute for around 8 years, and I do Zumba in my spare time. I also like to travel and try different kinds of food.


Yanna Ma, MSc, PhD(c)

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Research title:

University of Saskatchewan



Dr. John Gordon

Tolerogenic dendritic cells induced tolerance in allergic asthma

  • Arthur Smyth Memorial (ASM) Scholarship (2017)
  • Graduate Students & Post Doctoral Fellows Conference travel award in College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan (2017)
  • Student travel award in Canadian Society for Immunology (2016)
  • The first place in immunology of Life and Health Sciences Research Day award (2014)
  • Graduate Students & Post Doctoral Fellows Conference travel award in College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan (2014)

I would like to use my knowledge and expertise in immunology to develop immunotherapy in allergic disease, cancer, etc. I want to work in a pharmaceutical company that will give me a good platform for early drug development, clinical trials, etc.

Yanna Ma, Wojciech Dawicki, Xiaobei Zhang, John R. Gordon. (2018). Contributions of direct versus indirect mechanisms for regulatory dendritic cell suppression of asthmatic allergen-specific IgG1 antibody responses. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190414.

John R. Gordon, Yanna Ma, Laura Churchman, Sara A. Gordon, Wojciech Dawicki. (2014). Regulatory dendritic cells for immunotherapy in immunologic diseases. Frontiers in Immunology 5:7.

Hui Huang, Yanna Ma, Wojciech Dawicki, Xiaobei Zhang, John R. Gordon. (2013). Comparison of induced versus natural regulatory T cells of the some TCR specificity for induction of tolerance to an environmental antigen. The Journal of Immunology 191(3):1136-1143.

Yanna Ma, Aihua Zhang, Zhiyu Shi, Chenghua He, Jujing Ding, Xichun Wang, Jifei Ma, Haibin Zhang. (2012). A mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway induced by deoxynivalenol in human colon cancer cells. Toxicology in Vitro 26(3):414-420.

Aihua Zhang, Yanna Ma, Lulu Feng, Ying Wang, Chenghua He, Xichun Wang, Haibin Zhang. (2011). Development of a sensitive competitive indirect ELISA method for determination of orchratoxin A levels in cereals originating from Nanjing, China. Food Control 22(11):1723-1728. (Co-first author)

Hobbies: arts, swimming, running, reading, cooking, travelling


Emilie Manny, MSc, PhD(c)

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Research title:

Université Laval

Food Science


Dr. Samuel Godefroy

Occurrence and risks associated with allergens in processed foods with precautionary labeling

  • Project planning and presentation Scholarship ($3,000), incoming
    (Request submitted; project planning & presentation done within the first year of the PhD)
  • Strategic Support Scholarship ($10,000), December 2017
    (Scholarship given by the Research Office of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of UL)
  • 2nd place in the Scientific Poster Excellence Competition, September 2017
    (Scientific Poster Contest directed by the Association québécoise pour l’innocuité alimentaire, AQIA [$750])
  • PhD Admission Scholarship ($2,000), September 2017
  • Industrial Research Grant from the NSERC ($6,500), February 2016
    (Obtained during my training in a dairy industry)

I’m fascinated with every fact about food, and I hope that my studies will help allergic people to make better food choices and avoid adverse reactions. Once my PhD is done, I want to be a Post-Doc Fellow and to reach my ultimate goal, which is to teach at a university.

Hobbies: Loves snow and all winter sports, martial arts (taekwondo), video games, and food


Manali Mukherjee, MSc, PhD

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Research title:

McMaster University

Respiratory Health

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Parameswaran K. Nair

Autoimmune responses in complex airways disease;

  • Post-doctoral Fellowship, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2018-2020
  • Outstanding Publication award, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, 2018
  • International Trainee Award for Excellence, McMaster University, 2018
  • International Research Excellence Scholarship, University of Nottingham, UK, 2008-2011
  • ConocoPhillips Environmental Education Award, Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland, 2007
  • Best Poster Presentation, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress, Helsinki, June 2017
  • Distinction in Biotechnology, Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland, 2007
  • Distinction in Biotechnology, University of Pune, India, 2005

I am a postdoctoral scientist, well-trained in a wide range of molecular and immunological techniques. I aspire for an academic career in translational medicine to pursue pathobiological mechanisms of autoimmune lung diseases, to develop biomarkers and novel diagnostics, and to tailor therapies that target these specific mechanisms in patients with complex airway diseases.

Google Scholar Profile

Mukherjee M, Bulir B, Radford K, Kjarsgaard M, Huang C, Jacobsen EA, Ochkur S, Catuneanu A, Lamothe-Kipnes H, Mahony J, Lee JJ, Lacy P, Nair P. Sputum autoantibodies in severe eosinophilic asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018 Apr;141(4):1269-1279. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.06.033.

Sehmi R, Lim HF*, Mukherjee M*, Huang C, Radford K, Newbold P, Boulet LP, Dorscheid D, Martin JG, and Nair P. Benralizumab attenuates airway eosinophilia and eosinophilopoietic processes in prednisone-dependent asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018 Apr;141(4):1529-1532. *equal contribution

Mukherjee M, Aleman F, Kjarsgaard M, Salter B, Nair G, LaVigne N, Radford K, Sehmi R, Nair P. Weight-adjusted intravenous reslizumab in severe asthma with inadequate response to fixed-dose subcutaneous mepolizumab. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2018 Jan 1;197(1):38-46.

Kim L H-Y, Plaza K, Thomas SR, Draijer C, Radford K, Peters-Golden M, Mukherjee M* and Nair P. Endogenous peroxidases in sputum interfere with horse-radish peroxidase-based ELISAs. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2017, Nov 14. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2017.11.005 [Epub ahead of print]. *corresponding author

Son K*, Mukherjee M$, McIntyre BA, Radford K, LaVigne N, Ethier C, Davoine F, Janssen L, Lacy P, Nair P. Improved recovery of functionally active eosinophils and neutrophils using novel immunomagnetic technology. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2017 October, 449:44-55. *equal contribution, $corresponding author

Mukherjee M, Lim HF, Thomas S, Miller D, Kjarsgaard M, Tan B, Sehmi R, Khalidi N, Nair P. Clinical case report: Airway autoimmune responses in severe eosinophilic asthma following low-dose Mepolizumab therapy. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 2017; 13 (2): 1-11.

Mukherjee M, Nair P. Blood or sputum eosinophils to guide asthma therapy? Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2015, Nov; 3(11):824-5.

I am a trained vocalist (Indian classical and western, Bachelor of Music, India). I am also trained in Indian classical dance, and theatre. Music, dance and theatre remain a passion that I have never stopped pursuing, and have performed professionally/semi-professionally since the age of 6. I am interested in using my non-academic training (performing arts) for fund-raising. I have already done some third party fund raising for The Lung Association.


Kozeta Miliku, MD, PhD

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Research title:

University of Manitoba

Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Dr. Meghan Azad

Human milk components and the developmental origins allergies, asthma and cardio-metabolic health in children

  • AllerGen travel award (2018)
  • CHRIM travel award (2018)
  • DOHaD Canada – Best poster presentation (2017)
  • DEVOTION trainee travel award (2017)
  • Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba-Small Grant (2018)
  • Trainee expansion program ISRHML-Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation (2017)
  • The Erasmus Mundus– Western Balkans (ERAWEB)-PhD scholarship (2017)
  • Certificate of Excellence, International Congress of Biomedical Sciences – Poster Prize (2014)

Contribute to the understanding and identification of fixed and modifiable factors that influence the developmental origins of allergies, asthma and other chronic diseases, and become a good pediatrician.

Miliku K, Becker AB, Robertson B, Yonemitsu C, Subbarao P, Mandhane PJ, Turvey SE, Lefebvre DL, Sears MR, the CHILD Study Investigators, Bode L, and Azad M. Human milk oligosaccharides and the developmental origins of asthma. Accepted at Allergy, May 2018. In press

Magnus MC, Miliku K, Bauer A, Engel SM, Felix JF, Jaddoe VWV, Lawlor DA, London S, Magnus P, McGinnis R, Nystad W, Page CM, Rivadeneira F, Stene LC, Tapia G, Williams N, Bonilla C, Fraser A. Vitamin D and risk of pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders: a Mendelian randomization study. Accepted at BMJ, April 2018. In press.

Miliku K, Bakker H, Dorresteijn EM, Cransberg K, Franco OH, Felix JF, Jaddoe VWV; Childhood estimates of glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and cystatin C concentrations: Importance of body composition. Am J Nephrol. 2017;45(4):320-326.

Miliku K, Messu A, Franco OH, Hofman A, Steegers EAP, Jaddoe VWV; Maternal and fetal folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine concentrations and childhood kidney outcomes. Am J Kidney Dis. 2017 Apr;69(4):521-530.

Miliku K, Bergen N, Bakker H, Hofman A, Franco OH, Steegers EAP, Gaillard R, Jaddoe VWV; Associations of maternal and paternal blood pressure patterns and hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, with childhood blood pressure; J Am Heart Assoc.2016;5:e003884 doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.003884.

Miliku K, Vinkhuyzen A, Blanken LM, McGrath JJ, Eyles DW, Burne TH, Hofman A, Tiemeier H, Steegers EAP, Gaillard R, Jaddoe VWV; Maternal vitamin D concentrations during pregnancy, fetal growth patterns, and risks of adverse birth outcomes. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016;103(6):1514-1522.

Miliku K, Vogelezang S, Franco OH, Hofman A, Jaddoe VWV, Felix JF; Influence of common genetic variants on childhood kidney outcomes. Pediatr Res. 2016 Jul;80(1):60-6.

Miliku K, Voortman T, Franco OH, McGrath JJ, Eyles DW, Burne TH, Hofman A, Tiemeier H, Jaddoe VWV; Vitamin D status during fetal life and childhood kidney outcomes. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016 May;70(5):629-34.

Miliku K, Voortman T, van den Hooven EH, Hofman A, Franco OH, Jaddoe VWV; First-trimester maternal protein intake and childhood kidney outcomes: the Generation R Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jul;102(1):123-9.

Miliku K, Voortman T, Bakker H, Hofman A, Franco OH, Jaddoe VW; Infant Breastfeeding and Kidney Function in School-Aged Children. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Sep;66(3):421-8.

Hobbies: soccer, gardening


Leila Mostaço-Guidolin, MSc, PhD

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Research focus:

University of British Columbia

Centre for Heart and Lung Innovation

Postdoctoral fellow

Dr. Tillie Hackett

Optics and image analysis to monitor the pathological conditions and biochemical alterations in tissues and cells

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research Postdoctoral Fellowship (2017-2019)
  • American Thoracic Society Abstract Award (2016)
  • University of Manitoba Distinguished Dissertation Award (2016)
  • IMPACT Strategic Training Initiatives in Health Research Program (2016)
  • Canadian Thoracic Society, Post-doctoral fellowship (2015-2017)
  • Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research/AllerGen Post-doctoral fellowship (2015-2017)
  • University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship, University of Manitoba (2011-2015)
  • Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies Poster Award, CIHR Manitoba Student Research Poster Competition (2015)

My ability and interest in combining different areas of knowledge (physics/biology, engineering/medicine), have been helping me to communicate effectively across disciplines. I envision myself leading a multidisplinary team in the near future. Modern science is asking more than ever for a mix of skills, expertise, and creativity; and that’s what I envision for my team. Where? It can be in a university lab, in a government lab or in the industry. Time will tell us.

Mostaço-Guidolin L.B., Rosin N., Hackett T.L., Imaging Collagen in Scar Tissue: Developments in Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy for Biomedical Applications – International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017 (18):8 – 1772.

Mostaço-Guidolin L.B., Hajimohammadi S., Vasilescu D., Hackett T.L., Application of Euclidean Distance Mapping for Assessment of Basement Membrane Thickness Distribution in Asthma – Journal of Applied Physiology 2017 123(2):473-481.

Mostaço-Guidolin L.B., A.C-T. Ko, M.S.D. Smith, E.K. Kohlenberg, M. Shiomi, A. Major and M.G. Sowa, Quantitative nonlinear optical assessment of atherosclerosis progression in rabbits – Analytical Chemistry 2014 83(13) 6346-6354.

Mostaço-Guidolin L.B., A.C-T.Ko,F. Wang, B. Xing, M.S.D. Smith, E.K. Kohlenberg, G.Tian, A. Major and M.G. Sowa, Collagen morphology and Texture analysis: from statistics to classification, Scientific Reports 2013 3, 2190.

A.C-T. Ko, A. Ridsdale, Mostaço-Guidolin L.B., A. Major, Albert Stolow and M.G. Sowa, Nonlinear optical microscopy in decoding arterial diseases, Biophysical Reviews, 2012 DOI:10.1007/s12551-012-0077-8.

Outside of work, I am a sports-addicted. I was a competitive swimmer for over 15 years, played basketball at university, and more recently I was a member of the Brazilian National Cross-Country Ski team between 2012-2018. I was aiming to qualify for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea. The qualifying criteria for major events require the athletes to earn points by participating in races homologated by the International Ski Federation (FIS). Over the last years, I had been managing a heavy training routine with my professional live. I had an annual leave every winter to participate in cross-country ski training and international competitions. After travelling to 23 countries, racing 78 international events, over 50 local races, I did made the cut to be eligible to represent Brazil in the Olympics. However, unfortunately Brazil could only send one athlete to the Olympic games and there was someone better ranked than me. Despite the bitter ending, the whole journey is still a sweet story for life.


Marta Ponce, MSc

AffiliationScholarships and AwardsCareer AspirationsPublicationsContact





Research focus:

University of Toronto


PhD candidate

Dr. Thomas Eiwegger

Markers of natural tolerance development to food allergens

Dean’s Fellowship of University of Barcelona, Spain (2011)

Santander CRUE CEPYME program fellowship (2012): SOMbiotech Company, Scientific Park of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Collaboration grant (2012-13): Animal Research Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

I aim to learn as much as possible about the mechanisms of allergic diseases as well as tolerance development and to use this knowledge in a translational manner.

In the long term, I hope to teach in a University environment where I can conduct my own research in the allergy and tolerance development field.

Ponce M., Diesner S.C., Szépfalusi Z. and Eiwegger T. Markers of tolerance development to food allergens. Allergy. 2016 Oct;71(10):1393-404


Eduardo Reyes-Serratos, MSc

AffiliationAwardsCareer GoalsPublicationsFun FactsContact





Research focus:

University of Alberta



Dr. Dean Befus

Studies of Calcium Binding, Protein-Associated 1 (CABS1) as a Biomarker and Potential Therapeutic Agent for Stress

Graduate Student Recruitment Studentship (University of Alberta/Alberta Health Services)

Alberta Sustainable Resource – Mobile Office Initiative Award (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology)

geekStarter Competition Grant (Alberta Innovates Technology Futures)

Jim Tutt Memorial Scholarship (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology)

To develop useful molecular diagnostic tools for detecting increased psychological stress in susceptible individuals.

To work along the educational system towards the implementation of effective stress-coping techniques in our children’s schools.

Ritz, T., Rosenfield, D., Laurent, C. D. S., Trueba, A. F., Werchan, C. A., Vogel, P. D., Auchus, R. J., Reyes-Serratos, E. & Befus, A. D. (2017). A Novel Biomarker Associated with Distress in Humans-Calcium Binding Protein, Spermatid Specific 1 (CABS1). American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, ajpregu-00393.

Reyes Serratos, E. A., & Ochoa Ruiz, A. G. (2015). Vías de señalización de fármacos y sustancias para el control de peso corporal [Molecular pathways of medications and substances targeting weight control]. In D. Gordillo Bastidas, & E. Gordillo Bastidas, Nutrición Molecular (1 ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-607-15-1271-0

Vázquez-Del Mercado, M., Guzmán-Ornelas, M. O., Corona Meraz, F. I., Ríos-Ibarra, C. P., Reyes-Serratos, E. A. , Castro-Albarran, J., Navarro-Hernández, R. E. (2014). The 482Ser of PPARGC1A and 12Pro of PPARG2 alleles are associated with reduction of metabolic risk factors of obesity in a Mexican-Mestizo population. BioMed Research International.

Biking, camping, hiking, gardening, running, taking care of pets (they are the absolute best), swimming


Cecilia Sierra-Heredia, PhD(c)

AffiliationAwardsCareer GoalsFun FactsContact





Research title:

Simon Fraser University

Faculty of health Sciences

PhD Candidate

Dr. Tim Takaro

Effects of aeroallergens, air pollution and weather on the development of asthma and allergy in Canada: Another potential effect of climate change?

inFLAME Early Career Researcher Travel Award (2018): Supports inFLAME network members attendance at and participation in the annual inFLAME conference

AllerGen Travel Award (2018): Supports AllerGen HQPs’ attendance at and participation in national and international conferences, symposia and workshops that are aligned with AllerGen`s mission, vision and goals

SFU Travel & Minor Research Award (TMRA)

SFU KEY Big Data Graduate Scholarships (2018): Aims to support the next generation of big data research leaders

Best oral paper: UW/ UBC/ SFU/ UVic/OSU Semiahmoo Annual Conference on Environmental, Occupational, and Population Health (2017): “The World we Breath, Work and Live In”

SFU FHS Graduate Fellowship (2016-2017): Provides doctoral students from the Faculty of Health Sciences with a stipend for their doctoral studies

SFU Graduate Fellowship (2015-2018): Provides doctoral students with a stipend for their doctoral studies

To consolidate my career as an innovative research scientist that provides relevant answers to knowledge gaps in the fields of respiratory health, allergic conditions and public health.

To continue applying my research methodology and data analysis skills throughout every step of the research process as part of effective research teams.

I love to bake! Been doing it since I was a child…


Amrit Singh, PhD

AffiliationScholarships and AwardsCareer AspirationsPublicationsContact





Research title:


University of British Columbia

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Drs. Bruce McManus & Raymond Ng

Biomarkers for the discrimination and improved management of heart failure

PROOF Centre of Excellence, UBC

PhD (completed)





Research title:



University of British Columbia

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Scott Tebbutt

Experimental Medicine

Blood biomarkers of the late phase asthmatic response

Centre for Heart Lung Innovation, UBC

Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship (2013-2016): Doctoral Award provides funding for doctoral students to gain research experience.

2nd place, PhD category, AllerGen Poster Competition (2016): 2nd place in the poster competition at AllerGen’s 8th Research Conference.

CGS-Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (2014): funding for a three-month research exchange visit to the Translational Research Institute (TRI), University of Queensland, Australia, for training in applying novel statistical methods for the integration of high dimensional biological datasets.

Four Year Fellowship (FYF) For PhD Students – UBC (2014): provides doctoral students with a stipend plus tuition for up to four years of their doctoral studies.

I have a passion for applying computational tools for the analysis of molecular datasets.

I would like to ultimately become a systems scientist in the field of biomarker discovery, data integration and develop statistical tools for analyzing high dimensional biological datasets.

Singh A*, Yamamoto M*, Ruan J, Choi JY, Gauvreau GM, Olek S, Hoffmueller U, Carlsten C, FitzGerald JM, Boulet L-P, O’Byrne PM, Tebbutt SJ. Th17/Treg ratio derived using DNA methylation analysis is associated with the late phase asthmatic response. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 2014; 10(1): 32.

Yamamoto M*, Singh A*, Ruan J, Gauvreau GM, O’Byrne PM, Carlsten C, FitzGerald JM, Boulet L-P, Tebbutt SJ. Decreased miR-192 expression in peripheral blood of asthmatic individuals undergoing an allergen inhalation challenge. BMC Genomics 2012; 13(1): 655.

Singh A, Yamamoto M, Kam SHY, Ruan J, Gauvreau GM, O’Byrne PM, FitzGerald JM, Schellenberg R, Boulet L-P, Wojewodka G, Kanagaratham C, De Sanctis J, Radzioch D, Tebbutt SJ. Gene-metabolite expression in blood can discriminate allergen-induced isolated early from dual asthmatic responses. PLOS ONE 2013; 8(7): e67907.

*joint first authors


Mena Soliman, MBChB, MSc

AffiliationScholarships and AwardsCareer AspirationsPublicationsContact




Boehringer-Ingelheim Canada Ltd.

Respiratory Medicine and Specialty Care

Medical Science Liaison, Western Canada

Mitacs (2013-2015): Designing and conducting clinical trials protocols to optimize the Nasal Allergen Challenge (NAC) model of allergic rhinitis for use in phase II/III clinical trials.

Adiga Life Sciences (2013-2015): Evaluating the effect of Cat-SPIRE (by Circassia) synthetic peptide immunotherapy by analyzing changes in clinical symptoms and cytokines expression before and following treatment.

William M. Spear Memorial Fund (2014-2015): Evaluating the repeatability of symptoms and biomarkers using NAC protocol for the assessment of novel medications.

My short-term goals are to expand my knowledge and help establish collaborations between clinicians and researchers in the fields of asthma, COPD, and Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). The aim is to create better environments for patient care and research initiatives across Canada.

In the long term, I aim to take a leading role within medical affairs to drive these initiatives on a national or global level.

Soliman M, Steacy LM, Thiele J, Adams D, Neighbour H, Ellis AK. Administering multiple cumulative allergen challenges: an alternative nasal allergen challenge protocol for the Allergic Rhinitis- Clinical Investigator Collaborative. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016 Sep;117(3):326-8.

Ellis AK, Soliman M, Steacy LM, Adams DE, Hobsbawn B, Walker TJ. Clinical validation of controlled exposure to birch pollen in the Environmental Exposure Unit (EEU). Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2016 Oct 19;12:53.

Soliman M, Ellis AK. Phenotyping Allergic Rhinitis as Early or Dual Phase Responses using the Environmental Exposure Unit (EEU). Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2015 Apr;114(4):344-5.

Ellis AK, Soliman M, Steacy LM, Boulay ME, Hillaby A, Waserman S, Keith P, Vliagoftis H, Boulet LP, Neighbour H. Allergic Rhinitis – Clinical Investigator Collaborative: Nasal Allergen Challenge model for evaluating novel medications in humans. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2015 Apr 24;11(1):16.

Soliman M, North ML, Steacy LM, Thiele J, Adams DE, Ellis AK.  Nasal allergen challenge studies of allergic rhinitis: a guide for the practicing clinician. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2014;113:250-256.

Google Scholar user profile


Oleyna Strigul, BSc

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Research title:

McMaster University Health Sciences

Medical Sciences

MSc candidate

Dr. Judah Denburg

Gene expression of dendritic cell precursors derived from cord blood hematopoietic progenitors in infants that develop atopic manifestations later in life

Medical Sciences Graduate Scholarship (2016-2018): Scholarship funding provided by the McMaster Medical Sciences Graduate Program to support M.Sc student stipend.

Research Scholarship: Scholarship funding provided to support M.Sc student stipend from his/her supervisor.

McMaster Deans Honour List (2012-2016): Distinction awarded annually to
undergraduate students with a high academic standing.

McMaster Honour Award- Level 3 (2012): Entrance scholarship awarded for academic excellence.

Duke of Edinburgh Award- Silver (2012): Awarded for the completion of the self-directed development program at the silver level.

My goal is to contribute to our understanding of atopic disease development, as well as the development of new therapeutics and preventative measures. I also aspire to remain passionate about research for the sake of improving quality of life wherever my studies and career take me.



Sandra VanderKaay, PhD(c)

AffiliationScholarships and AwardsCareer AspirationsPublicationsContact





Research title:

McMaster University

School of Rehabilitation Science

PhD Candidate

Dr. Sandra Moll

Living with food allergy/the impact of allergic diseases on daily living

McMaster Legacy Fund Grant (2015): the award was launched in 2015 from the McMaster Legacy Fund, honouring retirees from the McMaster OT program.

I am committed to advancing knowledge and understanding regarding (a) living with allergic diseases and (b) ways to best support the unique needs of those living with allergic diseases.

VanderKaay, S., Moll, S.E., Gewurtz, R.E., Jindal, P., Loyola-Sanchez, A., Packham T.L., & Lim, C.Y. (2016). Qualitative research in rehabilitation science: opportunities, challenges, and future directions. Disability and Rehabilitation. Published online. doi:org/10.1080/09638288.2016.1261414.

VanderKaay, S. (2016). Mothers of children with food allergy: A discourse analysis of occupational identities. Journal of Occupational Science, 23, 217-233. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2015.1119713

Phoenix, M., & VanderKaay, S. (2015). Client-centred occupational therapy with children: A critical perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22, 318-321. doi:10.3109/11038128.2015.1011690

Jung, B., Baptiste, S.E., Dhillon, S.K., Travchenko, T., Stewart, D., & VanderKaay, S. (2014). The experience of student occupational therapists with disabilities in Canadian universities. International Journal of Higher Education, 3(1), 146-154. doi:10.5430/ijhe.v3n1p146