Funding & Training Awards

Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award supports initiatives that promote capacity building and career enhancement for AllerGen trainees through mentorship

ResearchSKETCHES offers $500 and training in clear-language writing for eligible trainees to prepare a lay summary of their AllerGen-supported research

HQP Video Competition offers $1000 prizes to the best KT videos by trainees on their research

AllerGen CAAIF Emerging Clinician-Scientist Fellowship provides a stipend of up to $250,000 for a maximum of two years to clinicians who have completed a Clinical Immunology and Allergy sub-specialty

Stanford/AllerGen Research Award provides a stipend of up to $50,000 for one year to allow a young Canadian investigator (MD or PhD) to pursue academic research training on severe food allergies in the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy & Asthma Research at Stanford University

International Research Visit Program offers funding for AllerGen trainees to spend time abroad working on research projects with international investigators

Undergraduate Summer Studentships provide capacity-building opportunities to students specializing in biomedical, health, social/natural science or engineering studies to participate in research on allergies, asthma or related immune and/or inflammatory processes and diseases.

Travel Awards support attendance and participation in national and international conferences, symposia and workshops that are aligned with AllerGen’s mission and vision

Research Skills Awards fund individual training opportunities that enable the acquisition of specialized technical and laboratory skills relevant to AllerGen research

Partnered Awards offer funding opportunities with joint funding provided by AllerGen partners

  • Asthma Canada/AllerGen Graduate Student Research Awards
  • FRQS/AllerGen Clinical Research Scholars
  • CAAIF/AllerGen Research Fellowships in Clinical Immunology and Allergy
  • MSFHR/AllerGen Research Awards
  • CRRN/AllerGen – Emerging Research Leaders Initiative (ERLI)

For more information, please contact:

Leah Graystone
Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) and Events Coordinator
AllerGen NCE Inc.
(905) 525-9140 x 26633